
My name is Zak, I grew up in a small town called Formby and have since moved away to study mathematics at the University of Edinburgh and now computer science at the University of Bristol. I am equipped with industry experience in AI, machine learning and full-stack development. I am looking forward to applying my skills in a commercial setting.

  • Machine Learning
    PyTorch, Tensorflow
  • App Development
    HTML/CSS, Javascript, React, Swift
  • Programming Languages
    Java, Haskell, C, Python, GO, C#, SQL
  • 2022 - Current
    Bristol University - Computer Science
  • 2019 - 2022
    Edinburgh University - Mathematics
  • 2017 - 2019
    A-levels - A* Maths, A* Futher Maths, A* Biology
  • 2015 - 2017
    GCSEs - 9 A*-A
  • 2019
    Won the Davies Prize for Mathematics (Best mathematician of 160 cohort)
  • 2018
    Lead team for G20 Summit at Harvard University
  • 2020 & 2023
    I have been selected for captaincy to represent both Bristol and Edinburgh University Hockey


Web Design

I have designed and created web applications using HTML/CSS and Javascript, just like this one!

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Game Design

I designed a digital version of the popular board game Scotland Yard and optimised an Ai bot play and win!

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App Design

I have recently began my biggest project, coding and overseaing the development of a new mobile application for sports management!

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Data Template - Internship

In the summer of 2022 I travelled to Bangalore, the nations leading software exporter. I Employed Python within a Machine Learning team to train computer systems to perform real-time monitoring of runways at BLR airport, enhancing debris detection capabilities.

Gorilla Games (CRG) - Internship

In the summer of 2023 I worked for CRG, a online gaming platorm which provides services across Africa. In a small team I utilized Python to develop and implement backend logic for Gorilla Games' online gaming platform, resulting in the successful delivery of cutting-edge software to customers in 2 countries.


Developing Augmented Reality enhanced mobile application for IBM's Galasa documentation, using Swift and Reality Composer to generate Augmented diagrams to facilitate learning. Integrating AI Assistant to provide real-time answers to user queries, personalising user experience.

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